Friday, May 6, 2011

New Blog Name + New Blog Header

I just thought of changing my Blog Name and Blog Header to prettify my page, 

I think I did well, Im pretty much satisfied with how it turned out, girly and its screaming my name. Heehee!

Tell me what you guys think about those little changes :) 



  1. Love it sis! <3<3<3

  2. Rae : thanks! :)

    Krys : Thanks sis! :)

    Diary of a Late Bloomer : Thanks sis! :)

    <3 <3 <3 smooches and hugs to everyone! :)

  3. wow I love your new blog banner! ;)

  4. khymm : thanks sis! :) Im glad you do! :)

    Charry : thanks sis! :) nice to know its not just me who finds it cute hahah! :D


Thank you for reading whats inside the Pink Thought Bubble ©

My readers inspire me to write better, would love to hear your questions & suggestions. Feel free to drop a comment.

Peace and Love!!
Dee (BabyJapRN)